meet the cousins

Sholom hails from Virginia and owns a large share in the Kumquat industry from the Sahara region. You can normally find him at your local all you can eat restaurant grazing at the bar.
Likes: Dogs, Chocolate, Cheese Fries, Pancakes, Steak, ok any food not good for him
Dislikes: Sunlight, Fruits and Vegetables, Exercise

Brian hails from “Gods Country”, North Carolina to the rest of us. He is a rabid hockey fan that refuses to miss his team’s home games. You can catch his thoughts on hockey at The House of Jerks.
Likes: Hockey, Kumquats, Las Vegas, Hockey, Sleeping to SVU, Handles and did I mention Hockey
Dislikes: People that drive with their turn signal on, improper tailgating practices and improper usage

Tividar hails from the backwoods of Michigan via North Carolina and has a working relationship with Sasquatch. It has even been reported that on the snowiest of days he rides Sasquatch into town for supplies.
Likes: Hairy hominids, lake beaches, and grave kitties
Dislikes: Sleeping with a television on, slow dancing and kumquats